Friday, April 26, 2013

Klondike Spirit Day

As Klondike wraps up ISTEP testing this week, today, too, was the last spirit day: Dress like a rock star.  I'm clearly showing my age here because my interpretation of a rock star was quite different from the kids at the bus stop this morning.  I suppose Kari looks more like a rock star groupie from the 80's than anything else.  Regardless, she had fun getting dressed this morning and I had fun digging out the momento from my very first concert in 1993.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kari is at the hospital

The Chick Hospital, that is.  Sorry, folks.  Didn't mean to scare you!
Kari's teacher just sent this picture to me and I thought it was too neat not to share.  Kari's classroom and the classroom next door are sharing and raising chicks in an incubator.  While they were waiting for the eggs to hatch they had to fill out daily observation reports and predictions.  Now the kids are learning how to care for them.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Save the Last Dance

***Update- Kari's dance was mentioned in Central Pres' weekly blog here.  Amazing.

Well, Easter 2013 might have marked the last time we see our Tiny Dancer perform. At least that's what she wants us to believe. You know, 6-year olds - especially those who have just recently declared themselves a "Vegetarian" - think they have the world figured out and might be too cool to dance in church. 

That being said, Kari was scheduled to do a solo dance this year while her protege/teacher - Allie Parker - choreographed. It was a brief 60-second routine that had been practiced many nights in front of Allie. Kari performed it rather seamlessly before both the 9 and 11 a.m. congregations.

You can judge below whether she'll one day be on Dancing With the Stars or not!

Pupil and Teacher

Proud Papa and his girl

Beep Beep and his Easter Grandkids

Beep Beep, for the first time in many, many years was responsibility-free on Easter Sunday and drove up to see Kari's performance, see the kids get into their Easter baskets and have lunch.  Gran, on the other hand, was back in Indy with her new church responsibilities as Music Director.  Gran and Beep Beep are getting a good chuckle out of the complete reversal of roles.

Bryce "hammin'" it up on Easter