Saturday, February 8, 2014

Klondike Carnival

The elementary school cake walk, as Kevin and I are just realizing, is a cleverly disguised gateway game into roulette and gambling. We couldn't be more proud. Bravo, Klondike. Bravo!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Snow.  And we've got lots of it.  Purdue has a history/tradition/reputation of not shutting campus down just because of some measly sub-zero windchills or snow.  Until today!  We woke up this morning with the university shut down until 1 PM and then another text came through mid morning saying all university operations had been cancelled until 6 AM tomorrow morning.  Yay!

We only got about 8" of snow.

Yesterday, Bryce and I got home in time to meet Kari and Nolan at the bus stop.  Bryce seemingly has a future working for the Department of Public Works in the city of his choice after receiving a pint-sized shovel for Christmas.

Just a few minutes ago a grader passed through the cul-de-sac twice to move the snow.  In our 14 winters, this is a first!  Evidently this is how we get things done out in the country.

Just a few minutes ago a Bobcat came through and did an excellent job clearing the entire cul-de-sac and making way for the mail carrier.  Yay!