Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ragnar Relay: 16 Days and Counting

It's real. It's happening. It's coming up on us fast. Thanks to Matt, I've signed up for one of the most interesting/fun/physical/stoopid races. Ever.

The Ragnar Relay is a series of 24-hour relays across the country, typically consisting of teams of 12. Amazingly, we couldn't find 12 stoopid people in the greater Lafayette area, so we built ourselves an ULTRA team. Yep, that means we're all running double the mileage. Mileage, you ask? Six of us and two drivers named Kevin and Amy will be trucking it from Madison, WI to Chicago (197 miles), or an average of about 30 miles per person.

If you're interested, we'll be figuring out a way to post mid-race updates, results and perhaps pictures.

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