Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Frightful 2014 Halloween

Friday night's weather could have been one of the worst on record for a Halloween night.  20 MPH winds, blustery, and....SNOW!!!  Fortunately, we were in good company with our neighbors, and the Clawson's graciously hosted the Halloween party in their garage.

Bryce's costume this year, sadly, was straight out of the box from Amazon.  Kari, on the other hand, enjoyed helping me create her cupcake costume.  I found the idea here.

I was only able to get one short video.  Kari trick-or-treated down one side of the street and called it quits.  Bryce made it up and down both sides of the street, but we didn't venture beyond Windflower. Handing out candy was a much more desirable task Friday night than being outside even though we only had about five groups come to the house.

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