Monday, November 9, 2009

A Potty Intervention

We finally decided it was time.  Since Kari was in no real hurry to rid herself of the diapers, we took it upon ourselves to invoke a Potty Intervention.  We'd been "shopping around" for a while considering different potty training methods and eventually settled on the weekend-intensive variety.  It seemed to have a high success ratio with our parent friends who have tried it before us.  Beginning with all of last week in preparation for the weekend, we really tried to talk up the potty, saying goodbye to the diapers, becoming a big girl, and wearing underwear.  By Friday night she had pretty much bought into the concept and was eager to begin Saturday morning.  We stayed inside all Saturday and Sunday (which was difficult, by the way, as we had some FANTASTIC weather) and kept the potty no further away than one room from her.  Other than two accidents at start of Saturday morning, we've been on cruise control since.  Starting with sitting on the potty every hour, we moved to every two hours, and by Saturday evening was telling us when she needed to go.  Only at bedtime does Kari wear a pull-up or diaper.  Hyped up on Smarties and bottomless cups of chocolate milk, I guarantee this child hasn't ingested this much sugar in her entire life to date.  She also responded well to putting stickers on her potty poster and phone calls to grandparents.  All in all, it was a very positive weekend and a method we would recommend to anyone getting ready to potty train their kiddo.  Unfortunately, we don't have many G-rated pictures from this weekend, but here is what we do have.

Kari Friday night practicing wearing her big girl Elmo underwear.

Tomorrow Kari heads off to school, sans diapers, for the first time.  I kept her home today so we could continue practicing using the potty and perfecting her technique.  We even ventured out for a super quick trip to Walmart to pick up some more underwear for school tomorrow, and remained accident-free I might add!

Bryce, by the way, was a perfect little gentleman all weekend allowing us to focus most of our attention on his big sister.

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