Monday, April 19, 2010

Grandmas and Springtime Activities

We've had a fun week with grandmas visiting. Grand-MO was here most of last week. She and Kari were able to spend quite a bit of time together and enjoyed the nice weather we've been experiencing. We put Kevin's firepit together, roasted marshmallows and made S'mores for the first time. As you can imagine, Kari loved every bite.

This past Saturday Grammy Pammy and Dale came down for the day. The timing was perfect as we all headed over to Purdue for the Bug Bowl and Spring Fest. It was the first time for all of us. Kari enjoyed many of the activities and demonstrations. We were surprised at her genuine interest in many of the engineering demonstrations. Perhaps we have a little engineer in the making?

Grammy Pammy loved that her jacket matched the Slug Bug. Kari just loved the Slug Bug. Mama loved the Smart Car.

As we were looking at the cars on display, we learned about the first annual Electric Vehicle Grand Prix. It's the first one in the country, to be expanded regionally in 2011 and then nationally in 2012 as part of a $6.1 million grant through the Department of Energy. Kari was quite intrigued by the cars and was beyond excited to check out the race. As I was putting her to bed Saturday night I told her that she needed to sleep well so we could all go to the race the next day. Bed time, as is probably the case for most young families, involves lots of negotiating and pleas to push back bed time a few minutes later, but Kari immediately shut her eyes and focused herself on falling asleep in preparation for the EV race. The weather was beautiful and turned out to be yet another event Kevin and I attended for the first time. In all our years at Purdue, we had never attended the gas powered Grand Prix. (The original GP is this coming Saturday.) We were quite impressed with the EV race and was perfect for young children because it was so quiet!

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