Thursday, July 22, 2010

A week away from home

Well, it finally happened - our little girl ventured away from her home and spent 5 nights with Gran and Beep Beep. We're still not sure who we're more impressed with - Kari for making it at camp and in Indy for a week, or the grandparents for surviving our darling daughter's presence for that long of a stint.

Needless to say, both parties had a wonderful time together. There were many terrific experiences for Kari at the Nature Camp at Eagle Creek. While the first few days (camp went from 9-10:30 a.m.) featured some hesitation of leaving Gran, the final two couldn't have gone more smoothly. Kari quickly warmed up to her new friends and environment and thoroughly enjoyed the different projects camp had to offer.

She came home with a caterpillar, homemade necklace, styrofoam cup of stuff and a seemingly new and improved vocabulary. She quickly rattled off a sentence telling us how she looked at robins and a gold finch through binoculars. HUH? We were definitely taken aback.

When Kari wasn't at camp, Gran and Beep Beep had plenty of activities planned. This is a necessity thesedays, as Kari continues to ask "What are we going to do now?" as soon as the most recent activity is completed. Kari ventured to see Beep Beep and his co-workers at the hospital, a trip to the Children's Museum, a tea party with her cousin Ella Robinson and play time with a new friend named Lyla.

There were indoor smores being made, outdoor time in the back yard on the swing and countless other fantastic memories she'll remember for a long time. Meanwhile, mom, dad and Bryce rather enjoyed the serendipitous surroundings we had in West Lafayette (who thought two kids was a good idea???).

Bryce got to take a few bike rides on Dad's new bike (great Father's Day present). The seat attached behind Dad's is quite the hit, as the little man lets his brown locks flow through the air while we cruise through the neighborhood.

Bryce was definitely happy to have all the attention, but we're pretty sure he missed his sister, too. The weekend was spent in Chicago as we (adults) attended the Cubs-Phillies game at Wrigley Field on Saturday. We had a very nice day sans kids, as Grandma Haugstad played babysitter.

Kari and Bryce got to play with one of the Haugstad's neighbors - Olivia, and we all took walks and went for ice cream in downtown Glen Ellyn. It was a fantastic week for everyone and we're very thankful that our parents had it in them to watch the grandkids.

This weekend will be a first for Holly - leaving her little Bryce alone. We're heading to Las Vegas for a 10th wedding anniversary celebration. More than 20 friends have graciously said they'll attend our vow renewal at the Little White Wedding Chapel. It should be a fun 4 days away but I'm betting everything I come home from Vegas with that we'll both be more than ready to return to normal, every day parenting duties after this brief vacation.

Until next week...

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