Saturday, February 25, 2012

Slow Learner

Warning: Picture below may cause fits of laughter.

I can say that because I'm talking about myself.  I've been wanting to learn to knit for a while now.  Natalie had given me a pair of hand-me-down needles, yarn and a "teach yourself" booklet which proved to be nothing more than a source of frustration and dust collector for the past few years.  Enter Aunt Laura for a weekend visit and we're ready to rock and roll!

Ahead of her visit she asked what I would like to start with and suggested a dish rag or a scarf.  I was confident and asked if we could start with a simple hat for Bryce.  She reluctantly said, "Sure, we can give that a try!"  And so our lesson began.  She held my hands and helped me to get the casting on and the knitting motions.  She patiently corrected, re-corrected, corrected yet again each time I got stuck, lost or dropped a stitch.  At some point, Aunt Laura said, "Holly, I really think we should start with a dish rag."  And so we switched gears and got going on a simple square dish rag.  Now, any knitters out there know that consistent tension is a big part of a good knitting project and an achilles heel for many new knitters; I was no different.

Square dishrag?  Hmmm, not so much.  New York?  Nevada?  A pair of undies?  Yes, all those shapes have described my little dishrag:
I've already started on dishrag #2 and I'm happy to say things are going much, much better this time around.  Thanks again, Aunt Laura!

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