Friday, March 12, 2010

Springtime crafts

Between Kari and I, we've been quite busy in the craft department again. It seems like this winter (we are, by the way, officially entering Spring now) I used craft projects as a way to keep Kari busy and occupied while we spent so much time inside. Now that the weather is getting warmer, our projects are starting to focus more on giving to others. It doesn't take much to come up with a reason to do a little something for others, and the upcoming St. Patrick's Day holiday is a perfect example. Be forewarned!! Uncle Mark and Meredith, if you're reading this, your care package contents are about to be exposed!

Ms. Vicki's birthday was last week. Kari cut the film strip parts all by herself. She loves her scissors and cutting right now.

I made little fabric bags and then filled them with "green" things for Uncle Mark and Meredith. Kari enjoyed painting her clay figurines. We also found a cute little saying to go with a little candle.

This last one just looked too easy and practical to pass up. For those who don't know, I love dishtowels. I get weak in the knees, my heart starts racing and my wallet starts quivering every time I set foot in a Crate & Barrel store. I should be glad, and Kevin too- a dishtowel fetish is rather inexpensive compared to a lot of other things I could fixate on.
We'll be passing these out to Kari's teachers and a couple other special "crafters" this week.

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